Monday, November 24, 2008

pre glut

I have much to be thankful for. I have been truly blessed and I live content and know that fortune has smiled (or sometimes smirked) upon me many times. But I have always viewed the holiday known as "Thanksgiving Day" as a curious festival of gluttony fraught with pressures and unnecessary expectations. Be there, do that, bring this, don't bring that, watch what you say or do, but most importantly, do not disappear without reporting your whereabouts. And provide a damn good excuse for conspicuous absence. Some sips of this Absinthe. I'll be dropping off a can of jellied cranberry sauce with a can-opener.
A hot bath, a pack of cigarrettes, a six-pack and I'm good to go (nowhere). One other luxury: a turkey pot pie (one of the really cheap ones) to share with the various household creatures who have no idea what day it is. Thank God.

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